Wednesday, 2 September 2009



Kulak... (from communist Russian) The word that "red patriots" aka dirty alcoholics and other red scumbag freeloaders were using in order to describe hard workers from the country side (majority were farmers), who made their fortune with their own hands. In times, when those who were calling them "kulaks" and often killing or sending them to Gulags were nothing, but a bunch of lazy bastards with a slave mentality who were making "patriotic" revolution for the money that were "wired" from German bank accounts.

Yuppie... Informal for (Y)oung (U)rban (P)rofessional, or Yup. turned into yuppie in the 1980's. A term used to describe someone who is young, possibly just out of college, and who has a high-paying job and an affluent lifestyle. Can now be used to describe any rich person who is not modest about their financial status. They brag about their designer clothes and love to flaunt them, as well as their wealth. They look down upon anyone who isnt as wealthy or high status as they

Junkie... A person who is consumed by an addiction. Aspects of their life suffer as he/she satisifies the addiction.

Pariah... Any person that is generally despised or avoided.

Someone who lives off other people's lives. They don't pay for anything and never pay you back.

Sell Out... One who betrays a cause for personal advancement.

Go Fever... an informal term used to refer to the overall attitude of being in a rush or hurry to get a project or task done while overlooking potential problems or mistakes.

72 Stunden Partei Leute

Ich arbeite auf diesem im moment.

Friday, 21 August 2009

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Славянские и немецкий Языки

Славянские языки (также назвал Словенские языки), группа близко связанных языков Славянских народов и подгруппы индоевропейских языков, имеют спикеров в большинстве Восточной Европы, в большой части Балкан, в частях Центральной Европы, и в северной части Азии.

Немецкий язык - Западный германский язык, таким образом связанный с и классифицированный рядом с английским и нидерландским языком. Это - один из всемирных главных языков и наиболее широко говорившего первого языка в Европейском союзе.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Mies Van der Rohe

und The Falling Man...

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Russian Mafia in Berlin

Organized crime syndicates are flourishing in Russia, where political and economic disarray has led to a climate of growing lawlessness. Now some of the toughest gangs are staking out turf in Germany, bringing drugs, theft and prostitution with them. And the worst, say law enforcement officials, may be yet to come."In 2007, ten groups from former Soviet states were investigated on 95 suspected crimes, and in the previous year fourteen groups with 167 suspected crimes were investigated," Bernd Finger, head of organised crime task force from the city-state's office of criminal investigation (LKA).

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Aki Kaurismaki

Sunday, 9 August 2009

The Man with a Movie Camera

Man with a Movie Camera is an experimental 1929 silent documentary film, with no story and no actors, by Russian director Dziga Vertov.

Vertov's feature film, produced by the Ukrainian film studio VUFKU, presents urban life in Odessa and other Soviet cities. From dawn to dusk Soviet citizens are shown at work and at play, and interacting with the machinery of modern life. To the extent that it can be said to have "characters," they are the cameraman of the title and the modern Soviet Union he discovers and presents in the film.

This film is famous for the range of cinematic techniques Vertov invents, deploys or develops, such as double exposure, fast motion, slow motion, freeze frames, jump cuts, split screens, Dutch angles, extreme close-ups, tracking shots, footage played backwards, stop motion animations and a self-reflexive style (at one point it features a split screen tracking shot; the sides have opposite Dutch angles).


Lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, LSD-25, or acid, is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug of the ergoline family. Its unusual psychological effects, which include visuals of colored and crawling geometric patterns, and a sense of time distortion have made it one of the most widely known psychedelic drugs. It has been used mainly as an entheogen, a tool to supplement various practices for transcendence, including in meditation, psychonautics, art projects, and (formerly legal) psychedelic therapy, and as a recreational drug. Formally, LSD is classified as a hallucinogen of the psychedelic type. LSD's effects normally last from 6–12 hours depending on dosage, tolerance, body weight and age - Sandoz's prospectus for "Delysid" warned: "intermittent disturbances of affect may occasionally persist for several days."

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Vasilisa Prekrasnaya

Based on a Russian folk tale, Vasilisa Prekrasnaya (Vasilisa the Beautiful) is about a father whose three sons go out to finds themselves brides. Two of the boys come home with perfectly normal girls, but the youngest brother, Ivanushka, brings home a frog from the marshes. His father finds this most curious, but what he does not know was that the frog was actually a beautiful girl named Vasilisa who was cursed by a magical serpent whom she refused to marry. Now Ivanushka must overcome tremendous obstacles to restore Vasilisa to her true form and free her from the serpent's spell.


Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Ascenseur pour l'échafaud

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Riff Raff

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

They Live by John Carpenter

und Zabriskie Point...

Friday, 24 July 2009


Bauhaus & Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier – Kunst und Architektur
9. Juli bis 5. Oktober 2009

Modell Bauhaus
22. Juli bis 4. Oktober 2009


Niederkirchnerstraße 7 (corner Stresemannstr. 110), 10963 Berlin, Germany
T: +49-30-25486-0
F: +49-30-25486-107

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Anna Pavlova


Saturday, 18 July 2009

Monday, 13 July 2009

Sunday, 12 July 2009

MediaSpree Demonstration

Diesen Samstag, 11. Juli 2009 zum Molkenmarkt (hinter dem Roten Rathaus) Treffpunkte 16:00h jeweils ab Boxhagener Platz, Oranienplatz und Beermannstraße am S-Bhf. Treptower Park Abschlusskundgebung ca. 20:00 vor dem alten Stadthaus am Molkenmarkt in der Grunerstraße (mit Musik u.a. von The Incredible Herrengedeck) Soli-Abschlussparty ca 22:00 im YAAM mit u.a. SMILEY und DJ Shortman (mehr in Kürze) Wir sind Megaspree. Im Unterschied zu Mediaspree sind wir ein Bündnis aus Kunst- und Kulturschaffenden, ClubbetreiberInnenn, politischen Gruppen und KiezanwohnerInnen. Uns allen gemeinsam ist, dass wir von den derzeitigen Stadt-Umstrukturierungsprozessen betroffen sind. Ein Jahr nach dem Bürgerentscheid „Spreeufer für alle“ wollen wir dagegen demonstrieren, dass vieles was Kreuzberg-Friedrichshain lebenswert und besonders macht, verdrängt wird. Wir werden nicht zulassen, dass die (sub-)kulturelle und soziale Infrastruktur und unsere urbanexperimentelle Underground- Kiez- und Clubkultur durch einen musikalischen und kulturellen Mainstream ersetzt wird, den wir auch noch mit steigenden Mieten bezahlen müssen. Wir wollen der Vertreibung eines Großteils der Bevölkerung und einer allgemeinen Gentrifizierung von Kreuzberg und Friedrichshain etwas entgegensetzen. Der neoliberalen Stadt- und Krisenverwaltungspolitik stellen wir ein Recht auf eine kulturell vielfältige, freie und soziale Stadt entgegen. Wir wollen gemeinsam entscheiden, was in und mit unserer Stadt geschieht. Komm zur Demo-Parade am 11. Juli. Wir werden laut sein, wir werden viele sein. Wir sind die Kinder Berlins. • Wir fordern den Berliner Senat auf, die Umsetzung des Bürgerentscheids „Spreeufer für alle!“ zu unterstützen! Keine Betonierung der Spreeufer! • Keine weiteren Massenkulturbetriebe, Carlofts, Einkaufszentren und Bürotürme in Kreuzberg und Friedrichshain. • Ein sofortiges Ende der Privatisierung des öffentlichen Raums. Spreeufer für alle! • Die Verdrängung der Club- und Kulturszene am Spreeufer muss aufhören. Die langfristige und experimentelle Nutzung des Spreeraums muss gesichert werden. Bar25, Yaam und Co bleiben! Megaspree statt Mediaspree. • Alternative Projekte, soziale und kulturelle Freiräume müssen erhalten werden. Ein sofortiges Ende der Räumungen von subkulturellen Lebens- Freiräumen. Schwarzer Kanal, Köpi, SO36 und R.A.W.-Tempel bleiben! • Bezahlbaren Wohn- und Lebensraum für alle. Keine Vertreibung von Hartz IV EmpfängerInnen und MigrantInnen aus ihrem Wohnungen und aus dem Kiez. • Keine Verlängerung der Stadtautobahn A100 nach Treptow und Friedrichshain!

Sunday, 5 July 2009


23 is a 1998 German movie about a young hacker Karl Koch, who supposedly committed suicide on May 23, 1989. It was directed by Hans-Christian Schmid, who also participated in screenwriting. The title derives from the protagonist's obsession with the number 23, a phenomenon often described as apophenia.

Sunday, 28 June 2009

90 Years of the Bauhaus & Sputnik Movies

09.06. – 04.10.2009 (“Raum der Gegenwart” until 24.10.2009)

This anniversary year, the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and cooperation partners from Germany and abroad will hold over 20 events in Dessau: workshops, symposiums, radio performances, theatre and dance projects, artistic installations, lectures, festivals, a Summer School and much more.

Large-scale projections of original films breathe new life into the work of the historic Bauhaus, and show the work and working methods of Walter Gropius, László Moholy-Nagy, Wassily Kandinsky, Oskar Schlemmer, Kurt Schwertfeger, Kurt Kranz, Heinrich Brocksieper and Werner Graeff.



Thursday, 25 June 2009

Goerlzclub - Creative Social Network

German creative social network...


Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Berlin Photographs

I'll take more over summer.

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Helvetica Film

Link: Helvetica Film

Helvetica is a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It looks at the proliferation of one typeface (which celebrated its 50th birthday in 2007) as part of a larger conversation about the way type affects our lives. The film is an exploration of urban spaces in major cities and the type that inhabits them, and a fluid discussion with renowned designers about their work, the creative process, and the choices and aesthetics behind their use of type.

Thursday, 28 May 2009


I posted almost all my design practice posts to my design practice blog (see the links to the right). However, I also posted a few blog posts on to my home blog (this blog), they are tagged with the module code. The end of module evaluation will be posted to the design practice blog.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009


Gallery in Berlin, see the link below...


Monday, 18 May 2009


I will start on a bad note...

The image and culture elective over the last two weeks has become a nightmare. The highly academic work relating to theories each week was out of balance with what was possible on its own. In the past 2 weeks I have put together a 10 minute presentation for the elective including preparation work, alongside two 800 word essays which also involved a mountain of research and analysis. Alongside the experience course work this has been far from "a fun run into summer".

For the experience brief I have changed my original plan which was to make instructional cards to something more manageable in the time. I am changing my original concept from informing to promoting but the focus is still on teaching students how to cook. I have decided to create posters to promote the website I proposed this in the crit and it went over well, and the feedback was very helpful. I had 3 possible websites and Tom helped me select which website, appears the most appropriate for the audience. The layout is clear and the content is interesting.

I plan to learn the screenprint facilities at Blenheim before next year and over the next few days refine my content and designs.

Saturday, 16 May 2009


Too many essays and presentations at the moment.

I am now writing an essay evaluating John Heartfields Adolf the Superman: Swallows Gold and Spouts Junk, 1932.

This piece was used as an anti-Hitler poster in the 1932 election. It refers to the financial backing Hitler received from wealthy industrialists who feared Germany would vote for a Communist government.

Sunday, 10 May 2009


My elective presentation is focused on The F-111 by James Rosenquist.
My friend works for British Aerospace building Hawk fighter jets. I thought this video insightful, I'll send him it soon.


The type and tone of this poster appeal to me, all seem appropriate.


Saturday, 9 May 2009



I have been learning and experimenting with how to use clipping masks.
Missed the W off by accident.

Thursday, 7 May 2009


I needed inspiration for information graphics and Tim recommended to check this site.


Tuesday, 5 May 2009


The feedback was good, but I still need to build on it. The filter needed changing on the image, which I have done, and I still need to experiment with the layout and type. I also need to make the next two spreads.

Saturday, 2 May 2009


Learning more features of illustrator, will be needed for the current brief.

Thursday, 30 April 2009




Megan Cummins


What are you now?

Typographer - layout and type design
Ideas generator

3 points for the future:

Software Skills
Work Abroad

What you want to be?

More ambitious.
Working with a small team or creative partner.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009


Problem - Not knowing when you are working with a bad idea or more commonly known as 'polishing a turd'.

What I shall do - Inform the coming year how to identify when they are working with a turd.

How - The concepts for delivery include pillowcase and bedding, instruction manual and t-shirt.

Monday, 27 April 2009


'CMYK Magazine is where aspiring creatives showcase their talents to an industry driven by inspiration and new ways of creative problem solving. At the same time, CMYK Magazine is where creative directors, agency principals and art buyers recruit students and recent graduates at today's top art-design schools: art directors, copywriters, designers, photographers and illustrators.'


It's a better magazine than Creative Review which has no content in my opinion. CMYK showcase's contemporary American design, it's a California based magazine. I will post examples of work once I can get to a scanner.


Ride Magazine
Marc's Blog
Adobe Indesign

Friday, 24 April 2009


I plan to work and live abroad (again) once I finish the course. The poster design below is for a club I lived opposite. I like the illustration it's similar to Vorticism which fits Berlin very well. Below the poster is Moby's new video directed by David Lynch. It's surreal feel and black and white style suite the music. I'd like to develop towards more animation and video based work next year.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009


IMPORTANT - Alot of my new work is on my visual language blog including the evaluation. For the older research see the home blog (This blog).

Monday, 16 March 2009


A few new examples. Go to the visual language blog for more.


See Design Practice Blog for more information.


The book fair was great. Most of the designers and artists I talked to gave business cards with links. Check out New Think its brilliant!!!

Lonely Panda
New Think
Split Pin
Sarojini Lewis

Tuesday, 3 March 2009


From this point onwards I will be posting visual language work and research to my visual language blog. See links for the link.

Friday, 27 February 2009


One of the more final resolutions, still needs work.